Our Camano Island job presented us with a major challenge. The customer specified an exterior motorized shades that can be side mounted instead of front mounted. Our customer requested the shades not to protrude out.
The problem was that the exterior shade manufacturers do not make shades that can be side mounted. Another challenge, the width between the beams, which was 2” wider at the top than bottom. The problem, how to install the motorized shades on the sides of the beams, which are not straight.
We decided to go with Insolroll automated shades. Insolroll shades have some of the best and the sturdiest exterior shades and hardware. Due to the rigidness of the Insolroll product, we felt side mounting wouldn’t be an issue.
We still had to figure out how to install the shades on the beams that are uneven. The beams were 2” wider at the top than the bottom. Using custom made marine grade blocks to straighten beams, we install the shades. The marine grade blocks were sourced from a local fabrication shop.
Due to the brackets’ strength, we were able to drill the brackets and the blocks sideways into the beams without affecting the structural integrity of the shades. Above, you will see the final outcome.
Insolroll offers some of the most advanced technology in motorized shades. The latest development in shade technology includes built-in switching with radio receivers. This is a very popular option due to the ease of wiring. Utilizing a motorized radio transmitter, switch and timer with automatic controls provides an elegant installation.